Complete Data Solution for Uridashi & Samurai Market for Professionals

Providing latest news, data and market analysis for Uridashi and Samurai bonds to users including mtn issuers, financial institutions and hedge funds. Uridashi is retail bond market in Japan featuring structured derivative products and exotic currencies.

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Latest Uridashi & Samurai Bond Statistics

Uridashi & Samurai Bonds
+23 this month
Regulatory Documents Archive
+1042 this month
Payment Information
+259 this month
Callability Information
+52 this month

Last Week Digest (3-Feb - 9-Feb)

2 Uridashi bonds were launched this week, -71% vs last week and -67% vs same period last year(2024/02-05 - 9-Feb). Index products were the most popular with more than half of issuances. USD was the only non-JPY denominated issuances with 1 bonds. In terms of distributors, Chugin Securities and SBI Securities distributes 1 bonds. All bonds are sold by a single distributor. 20 bonds has been launched this year so far (-38% vs last year)

Redemption of around JPY 1.9BN of Uridashi bonds including IBRD Straight Bond (5yr, INR1,000M, 4.00%), redemption for Malayan Samurai (5yr, JPY13.3BN) is expected next week (10-Feb〜16-Feb)

High Quality Bond Data

Uridashi and Samurai Data

Majority of Uridashi bonds are either a complex structured product or in foreign currency. Our bond data, input and double-checked by experienced professionals, provides you with every useful detail of such bonds. Fixings, redemption status and verious analysis is recalculated daily throughout the lifetime of the bond.

Uridashi Market Analysis

Market Analysis

Do you know expected redemption amount this month if Nikkei move 10% above current spot? Which FX underlying has biggest long-term exposure? Imperial Market Data has answer to every questions on Uridashi providing both numerical data and charts. We inform you every morning with latest issuance and market activities through e-mail.

Business Optimized

Bilingual Interface

Imperial Market Data is focused on providing users with simple, fast and intuitive interface to reach your target information. You can access multi-device, including PC, tablet and your mobile phones. You can use our API to directly access our Uridashi database from your Excel or internal applications. All data is provided in both English and Japanese.

We deliver market intelligence for clients such as...

Bond Distributors

To build strategic marketing plans using latest issuance and redemption analysis. Use our Uridashi market analysis for trainings, seminars and marketing documents. This service is accessible off-site through mobile and tablet

Arrangers & Swap Houses

Build market intelligence to identify your strengths and weaknesses in client coverage, pricing, issuers coverage and product range. Analyze client activities to plan proactive marketing. Provide management with executive summary on latest Uridashi market

Trading Team

To know and prepare for upcoming hedging activities by other market participants. Analyze full market exposures to manage your position. Build understanding on latest commercial activities and plan for the future.


Analyze latest issuance trend, watch redemption forecast to plan future funding activity on Uridashi and Samurai market. All our service is available in English and Japanese

Legal and Research Institutions

To collect comprehensive bond data and access related documentation

Media & Publications

To understand latest trend in 5 minutes and collect numerical data to support your articles. Our data has been published in Nikkei newspaper